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Temporary Activities Sponsor (407/408)

An organisation will require a temporary activities sponsorship in order to:

  • Nominate a training program – Training (407) visa; or
  • Invite a person, for a duration of more than 3 months, to participate in a specific temporary activity – Temporary Activity (408) visa.

Applying for the Training (407) visa is a three-step process. Applying for the Temporary Activity (408) visa is a two-step process.

  1. The organisation applies for approval as a Temporary Activities Sponsor
  2. The organisation applies for approval of the nominated training position – applies to the Training (407) visa only.

Note: No nomination is required for the Temporary Activity (408) visa.

  1. The prospective applicant applies for relevant visa to undertake the training program or temporary activity in the sponsoring organisation

(1) Temporary Activities Sponsorship

The organisation first applies for approval as a temporary activities sponsor.


  • The organisation is not already a temporary activities sponsor
  • the organisation is lawfully operating in Australia;
  • that there be no adverse information known to the Department about the business
  • the organisation has the capacity to comply with the Sponsorship obligations

Once approved, the temporary activities sponsorship is valid for:

  • 5 years commencing from the date of approval

 (2) Position Nominated

The organisation nominates a workplace-based training program tailored to the prospective applicant.

General Requirements – Training (subclass 407) visa.

  • Nominated a program of occupational training for the purpose of registration, to enhance skills, or for overseas professional development.
  • Organisation provides information on the location(s) where the nominated program will be carried out
  • That there be no adverse information known to the Department about the business
  • That the nominated training program will not prejudice employment and training opportunities for Australians
  • The occupational training will be provided directly by the sponsor (exemptions – higher education providers, health care, scientific research, social assistance, religious services, or where training is necessary to obtain registration, membership or licensing in Australia or in the home country).
  • Visa applicant has Functional English
  • Nominated program is a genuine training opportunity
  • Nominated program is workplace-based comprising of at least 30 hours a week of training with the majority of training being conducted in the workplace
  • Training program is specifically tailored to the training needs of the nominee

Note: Nominated training program may be for a volunteer position/internship (unpaid occupational training) if the duties would not otherwise be carried out by an Australian in return for wages.

 (3) Visa application

This is the final step of the process.

Once the visa is approved, visa holders:

  • can commence the training program or temporary activity in Australia for the sponsoring organisation
  • can bring any eligible dependants with them to Australia – dependants can work and study; and
  • have no limit on the number of times that they can travel in and out of Australia while the visa is valid