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Skill Assessment

A skill assessment is an independent assessment made by a skill assessing authority – an organisation that checks to ensure that your skills meet the minimum standards to work in an occupation in Australia.

Obtaining a positive skill assessment is often mandatory for certain visas (and streams) and may be required for others. It is not uncommon for a skill assessing authority to have a higher standard of skills, experience and qualifications for a particular occupation than that which is required by the Department of Home Affairs.

A skills assessment may also be beneficial to demonstrate to Australian employers that your skills and experience are recognised in Australia either for equivalency or licensing and registration purposes.

Skills assessments are can be onerous and each assessing authority has a different approach making it difficult for individual applicants to navigate the system. Let us help you!

Immi Law can assist by preparing a thorough skills assessment application for you that is tailored to your occupation and the assessing authority’s requirements. We will guide you through the document requirements and thoroughly examine your documents so that your skills and experience are presented logically and specifically provide you with best opportunity to gain a positive skills assessment and points for work experience (where applicable).

Professional advice is critical to ensure that you receive a positive outcome in both the skill assessment stage and the visa application stage.